As an artist, I mostly work with the symbolism that characterizes the objects. My works often emerge as “projects”. For every project there is a basic idea, a motivation, which I then implement.
Projects completed

“Once upon a time was a street...”
Project status: "Completed"
Invitation from an association to create an exhibition for its jubilee. Chosen topic: street children.
Medium: B&W photography, a type of photo reportage. Intention: To show the childhood in the street children.

Eros of things
Project status: "Completed"
Inspiration: Book "Hedonism" by Gerhard Schulze
Trigger: Objects that people desire.
Six men, six women / perfect bodies without a face (no identity)
Figurative, glazed images; strong varnish
All pictures are in oil and have the same format: 70x100cm
O nome dos quadros (primeiro em alemão, depois em português, e depois em inglês):
Antiquariat (Antiquário): antiquary
Auto (Carro): car
Blumenstrauss (buquêt): floral bouquet
Buch (Livro): book
Computer (computador): computer
iPhone (mesmo em port e inglês)
Lampe (Lustre): lamp
Parfum (perfume): perfume
Porzellan (Porcelana): Porcelain
Schmuck (Jóia): juwellery
Schuhe (Sapatos): shoes
Tasche (Bolsa): bag

Project status: "Completed"
Nudes with an object
Plakat (cartaz da exposição): Poster of the exhibition
Narziss (Narciso): Narcissus
Fleisch (Carne): Meat
Bild (Quadro): Picture
Schwangerschaft: Pregnancy
Sirene (sereia): Siren
Stacheldraht (arame farfado): Barbwire
Feste Beziehung (relação seria): Solid relationship
Calla (flor copo-de-leite): calla lily
Schönheit in Frischhaltefolie (beleza em conserva): beauty in clingfilm
Projects in progress

Project status: "in development"
Trigger: translate in artworks my experiences as a therapist, what I lived and experienced in a psychiatric hospital. The mental Illness
Fotos (as três com o mesmo titulo):
Histeria (histeria): hystheria

Project status: "in development"
Basic idea: to combine four views of the same reality into a composition
Fotos (uma única, mostrando um Quadro tipo camuflagem)
Dschungel (selva): jungle

Project status: „in development“
Trigger: what is faith today? Investigating different meanings about faith and about religion.